Tammy Westergard
Tammy Westergard has advanced job recovery, STEM learning, career credentialing, and workforce training adapted to Nevada’s economic needs. Her work to modernize workforce programs through deployment of virtual reality resources in healthcare has led to grant funding for new job seeker services. As Project Coordinator for the US Department of Education’s Reimagine Workforce Preparation Grant Program her multiyear charter includes additional integration of 3D and virtual reality content to advance labor market literacy. Through Nevada’s public libraries equitable access to these powerful resources to upskill into living wage jobs is amplified. Prior to this, Tammy served as Nevada State Librarian and Division Administrator at the Nevada State Library, Archives and Public Records and was named the Nevada Library Association’s 2020 Librarian of the Year. Tammy is a member of the American Library Association, Public Library Association, Nevada Library Association, Association of Records Managers and Administrators, and a member of Beta Phi Mu International Library & Information Studies Honor Society. She also serves as an International Advisory Board Member for the Vaclav Havel Library Foundation.
Board of Trusts Room Track 3
How Nevada's First-in-the-World Re-skilling Project is Training Displaced Workers in Virtual Reality to Become Dialysis Technicians
Co-presenting with Mark Anderson